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Trans4mation Church exists today because of many doors opened for us by previous generations.  They opened doors through their vision, faith and investment that has helped to provide the tools and resources we have today.   There is no question previous generations opened doors for generations to come in families, businesses and churches.  Following the example of those who came before us, we also, want to continue to open doors for the generations to follow through our work, faith and giving now. 


Scripture says house and wealth are an inheritance from fathers.  We want to leave a house of faith and resources for our children and their children.  In order to do this we are presenting to you the Open Doors Capital Campaign to bless and empower us now, as well as those to follow us.  It is a debt reduction campaign with the following objectives:


1. Enhanced Stewardship

Save $549,000 in interest

Reduction of mortgage by 15 years.


2. Enhanced Resources 

Eliminate monthly payment 


3. Enhanced Expansion Potential

Should the need arise to add to our existing facility this positions us to be able to do so.


4. Enhanced Inheritance

Leave an inheritance not a debt

Empower the next generation


Refuge Youth Ministry and Kingdom Kids have both committed to raising $1,000.00 each towards the Open Doors Campaign.

The Goal:   Raise $200,000.00 per year for next 5 years.


Outcome:   Eliminate debt and payoff church mortgage by March 2029.

An additional $50,000.00 per year pays it off by March 2028.


Method:    A series of five, 1-year campaigns. 


Year One: May - December 2024

Year Two:  January - December 2025

Year Three: January - December 2026

Year Four: January - December 2027

Year Five: January - December 2028


We are not asking for multi-year commitments or pledges.  We are 

simply asking you to give what you can each year towards the goal.

The pyramid contains 157 blocks of various dollar amounts.  When all of the doors have an X on them we will have raise $200,000.00.  The pyramid is an illustration of how gifts of  every level come together to accomplish a goal through equal sacrifice, not equal giving.  

The pyramid does not limit the number of gifts.  In other words,  the pyramid shows 10 doors of $2,500.00,  but it doesn’t limit the amount of $2,500.00 gifts that can be given. 

When you give you are not buying a door; you are simply giving and we will cross off the doors as the money comes in.  As you look at the pyramid, our hope is you pray and ask the Lord what He would have you give according to your ability.  If you do what you can, and others do what they can, then we all accomplish our goal.   


When giving please earmark your gift “open doors”.


You can also click here to be directly connected to our Open Doors giving portal.  

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