It Is Written (To Reveal Him)
Pastor Jim Balzano, January 6, 2019
The phrase 'it is written' is used numerous times throughout the scripture. Jesus said it followed by scripture in the wilderness when being tempted by Satan. Paul used it many times when referring to Old Testament scripture to bring about truth. This message is the first in a series entitled: It is Written! The series is to highlight the importance of the word of God in the life of believers. This message focuses on the fundamental role of scripture which is revealing Christ. All throughout scripture Christ is revealed. Jesus even used the scripture to speak about Himself to the religious leaders of the day. Philip used scripture to reveal Christ to the Ethiopian Eunuch. Paul used scripture in multiple accounts to reveal Christ to those he preached. The fundamental role of scripture is to reveal Christ. Do you know Him through what is written? Allow this message to cause you to hunger for the word of God that brings greater revelation of Jesus.